10 Ways To Find A Paid Public Speaking Gig Today!

Find Paid Public Speaking Gig

Public speaking can be a thrilling and rewarding pursuit, but for many, it’s more than just a passion—it’s a career. If you’re one of the countless individuals who have honed their speaking skills and are now ready to turn your talent into a profession, you might wonder how to take the first step in finding paid speaking gigs. From sharing your knowledge and expertise to inspiring and educating audiences, the world of professional public speaking offers a vast range of opportunities. In this article, we will explore the landscape of paid public speaking and provide you with valuable insights and strategies on how to secure those coveted speaking engagements. Whether you’re an experienced or aspiring public speaker, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive into the world of paid public speaking gigs and learn how to land your next opportunity!

Can You Get Paid For Public Speaking Gigs – Is Public Speaking A Job?

Public speaking, while indeed a profession, diverges significantly from the conventional nine-to-five employment model, constituting a unique career path characterized by its various quirks. It stands as a profession that presents aspiring orators with a distinctive blend of challenges and rewards, ultimately offering the promise of both substantial financial gain and a profoundly fulfilling life’s work.

Features of a Public Speaking Job:

1. Self-Employment and Entrepreneurship:

 Public speaking, in essence, involves self-employment or functioning as an independent contractor. This entrepreneurial dimension endows speakers with the responsibility of overseeing their speaking enterprises. This encompasses an array of tasks, from managing bookings and marketing one’s services to meticulously handling the intricate financial facets of their speaking career.

2. Income Variability:

 The income trajectory of a public speaker is marked by a degree of variability that may come naturally to a beginner. Established speakers who have etched their names in the annals of their respective fields, fortified by a robust and loyal client base, can substantially augment their financial standing. Nevertheless, it’s essential to acknowledge that, especially during the developing stages of one’s career, income streams can prove inconsistent, particularly when striving to establish one’s reputation in the competitive realm of public speaking.

3. Diverse Revenue Streams: 

What truly sets public speaking apart is the multiplicity of revenue streams it encompasses. Speakers are not beholden to a solitary income source; rather, they have the opportunity to diversify their earnings. Revenue can be derived from a number of channels, including speaker fees for engagements, revenue generated from book sales, income from online courses, earnings from coaching and consulting services, and more. This diversification serves as a financial safeguard, rendering the income less vulnerable to the fluctuations of the market.

4. Travel Commitment: 

Depending on the chosen niche and the target audience, the life of a public speaker may entail extensive travel. While some speakers may be jet-setting internationally to deliver compelling keynote speeches at prestigious events, others may prefer to focus on local engagements or harness the power of the virtual domain to reach their audience. The travel component not only adds an adventurous dimension to the profession but also demands a commitment to logistics and time management.

5. Skill Development Beyond Speaking:

Mastering the art of public speaking is only the tip of the iceberg. To thrive in this career, one must continually refine a plethora of skills that extend far beyond the act of speaking. Marketing prowess becomes a linchpin for success, requiring the speaker to adeptly craft a personal brand, foster valuable networking relationships, and relentlessly pursue speaking opportunities. The ability to negotiate effectively is indispensable when it comes to securing fair compensation. Moreover, content creation and the art of presentation design demand a considerable investment of time and effort to maintain a competitive edge.

When it comes to remuneration for public speaking engagements, a structured and well-defined system is in place. Here’s a detailed breakdown of how this typically works:

Speaker Fees: 

Public speakers routinely charge fees for their services, with the magnitude of these fees depending on a joint number of factors. These factors include the speaker’s experience, the level of demand for their expertise, the complexity and scale of the event, and the speaker’s niche or specialization. For instance, keynote speakers, renowned for their capacity to captivate audiences and convey profound insights, generally command higher fees compared to speakers specializing in other domains.

Negotiation Skills: 

Negotiating speaking fees is a prevalent practice in the industry, and many speakers have the flexibility to customize their pricing structure based on the unique circumstances of each engagement. They might, for instance, extend discounted rates to non-profit organizations or local events, reinforcing the critical importance of possessing adept negotiation skills that can influence the outcome of these discussions.

Promotion and Marketing: 

Flourishing in the domain of public speaking necessitates a combined investment in promotion and marketing. This profession encompasses the cultivation of a distinctive personal brand, the cultivation of a wide-ranging network, and the proactive pursuit of speaking opportunities. In essence, it is the art of crafting and conveying a compelling narrative about the speaker’s expertise and message to the world.

Contracts and Legal Framework: 

Many speaking engagements are formalized through meticulously crafted contracts that represent the terms and conditions of the agreement. These contractual documents not only specify the speaker’s fees but also outline essential particulars such as travel expenses, the event’s duration, and a host of other event-related details. This legal framework serves to protect both the speaker and the client, ensuring that expectations are crystal clear and that all parties involved have a shared understanding of their commitments.

In conclusion, it’s patently evident that public speaking is, in every sense, a genuine career. Nonetheless, it stands apart by infusing entrepreneurial elements into the speaker’s journey due to the predominantly self-employed nature of the profession. The potential for substantial income is undoubtedly attainable, especially for seasoned speakers who have scaled the summits of recognition. Nevertheless, this journey demands an unwavering dedication, a relentless pursuit of skill development that extends far beyond eloquence, and the application of effective marketing strategies. Whether one embraces public speaking as a full-time career or a part-time pursuit, this realm offers unique opportunities to not only share knowledge and inspire others but also to earn a livelihood by following one’s passion and doing what one loves. The world of public speaking, filled with its challenges and triumphs, ultimately beckons those with the courage and conviction to embrace its calling.

How Do I Find Paid Public Speaking Gigs?

1. Leverage Your Network:

Leveraging your existing network is an effective way to find paid speaking opportunities. Tap into your connections, whether they are friends, family, colleagues, or acquaintances. Communicate your interest in public speaking, and you might be surprised by the number of referrals and recommendations that come your way. People often hear about conferences, events, or organizations in need of speakers through their networks. This approach can help you access speaking gigs that you might not find through other means.

2. Online Speaker Platforms:

Online speaker platforms are powerful tools for speakers looking to secure paid engagements. Platforms like SpeakerHub, SpeakerMatch, and The Speaker Agency connect event organizers with speakers. They provide a place for you to create a profile, showcase your expertise, and respond to speaking opportunities. These platforms help you reach a broader audience of event organizers actively seeking speakers.

3. Professional Organizations:

Joining professional organizations in your field is a strategic move for finding paid speaking opportunities. Many associations and industry groups host events, conferences, and seminars, often in need of speakers. Being an active member can put you in the spotlight for these organizations. Membership not only provides networking opportunities but also access to speaking engagements that align with your expertise.

4. Event Listings:

Event listing websites such as Eventbrite and Meetup are treasure troves of potential speaking gigs. These platforms feature a wide range of events, from local meetups to international conferences. By keeping an eye on event listings, you can discover events that match your field of expertise and pitch yourself as a speaker.

5. Local Meetups:

Local meetups and clubs are fantastic opportunities to speak in your community. These groups often require speakers for their meetings and events. Presenting to a local audience can boost your reputation and lead to more speaking engagements.

6. Educational Institutions:

Many universities, colleges, and schools invite guest speakers to their campuses. These institutions host various events and lectures where they need experts to share their knowledge. Reach out to educational institutions relevant to your field to inquire about speaking opportunities. It’s an excellent way to gain experience and visibility as a speaker.

7. Speaker Bureaus:

Speaker bureaus are professional agencies that specialize in connecting speakers with event organizers. They maintain a roster of speakers, including keynote speakers, motivational speakers, and subject matter experts. If you’re looking to secure well-paying speaking engagements, consider joining a speaker bureau. These agencies often have established connections with organizations that regularly host events.

8. Industry Conferences:

Industry-specific conferences are excellent platforms to showcase your expertise and secure paid speaking gigs. Attend relevant conferences in your field, even if you’re not speaking at them initially. Networking and delivering excellent insights as an attendee can lead to future speaking opportunities. Organizers might notice your presence and invite you to speak at their upcoming events.

9. Speaker Training Programs:

Participating in speaker training programs can open doors to paid speaking engagements. These programs help you refine your speaking skills, create compelling presentations, and enhance your stage presence. Additionally, they often offer opportunities to practice your newly acquired skills in front of live audiences, which can lead to connections and speaking engagements.

10. Social Media and Content Sharing:

In the digital age, social media platforms and content sharing can play a significant role in finding speaking gigs. Utilize platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, or Instagram to share your insights, articles, and videos related to your expertise. Building a strong online presence can attract event organizers looking for speakers. Make sure your profiles are professional and up to date, highlighting your speaking experience and areas of expertise.

Each of these approaches offers a unique avenue to find paid public speaking gigs. Whether you’re just starting your speaking career or looking to expand your speaking engagements, a combination of these strategies can lead to an array of opportunities.

Finding Gigs On Linked In:

1. Getting Recruiters To Talk To You

LinkedIn can be a goldmine for connecting with recruiters who are looking for public speakers. To get recruiters to engage with you, consider the following strategies:

Optimize Your Profile: 

Your LinkedIn profile is your digital resume. Ensure that it’s complete, showcasing your public speaking experience, skills, and accomplishments. Use a professional photo, write a compelling headline, and create a summary that highlights your expertise. Don’t forget to add endorsements and recommendations from colleagues or clients.

Join Relevant Groups:

LinkedIn offers various groups and communities related to public speaking, events, and speaking engagements. Join these groups to network and stay updated on opportunities. Actively participate in group discussions by sharing your insights and knowledge.

Engage Actively:

Don’t just passively scroll through your LinkedIn feed. Engage with content by commenting, sharing, and posting your insights. This activity makes your profile more visible. Consistency in engagement helps establish your presence and authority in the public speaking field.

Connect with Recruiters:

Search for recruiters who specialize in hiring speakers or work in industries where public speakers are in demand. Send them personalized connection requests, explaining your interest in public speaking opportunities. When connecting, briefly mention what you can bring to the table as a public speaker.

Use Keywords:

Incorporate relevant keywords in your profile and posts. Think about the terms recruiters might use when searching for speakers. When recruiters search for speakers, your profile will appear higher in their search results if it aligns with their criteria.

Proactive Outreach:

If you come across a recruiter posting about speaking opportunities, don’t hesitate to send them a message expressing your interest. Be concise and professional in your approach. Tailor your message to the specific opportunity, showcasing your passion and expertise.

LinkedIn Premium:

Consider upgrading to LinkedIn Premium. This subscription offers enhanced visibility and messaging capabilities, which can be valuable for connecting with recruiters. It allows you to reach out to professionals outside your network, which is especially useful when targeting recruiters and event organizers.

Remember that building a network and gaining the attention of recruiters on LinkedIn takes time and consistency. But once you establish meaningful connections and showcase your expertise, you increase your chances of finding paid public speaking gigs.

2. Freelance Gigs On Linkedin

LinkedIn is a versatile platform for networking and finding freelance public speaking opportunities. Here’s how you can leverage LinkedIn for freelancing:

Signal Freelance Availability:

LinkedIn offers an “Open to Work” feature. It signifies your readiness for freelance projects, enhancing your visibility and reach on the platform.

Employ “Freelance” Status: 

Update your employment status on LinkedIn to “Freelance” or “Self-Employed.” It signals your availability for freelance projects, helping you stand out to potential clients and employers.

Content Sharing: 

Establish your authority as a public speaker by sharing valuable content on your LinkedIn profile. Craft articles or posts that offer public speaking tips, share your experiences or provide industry insights. Engaging content can attract potential clients who resonate with your approach.

Connect with Event Planners: 

Build connections with event planners, conference organizers, and companies that frequently host events. These connections may lead to inquiries about your availability for speaking engagements. A personalized message expressing your interest can go a long way.

Participate in Relevant Groups: 

Join LinkedIn groups aligned with your niche or areas of expertise. Engaging in discussions, offering insights, and connecting with fellow professionals can lead to valuable networking opportunities.

Follow Industry Influencers:

Keep an eye on industry influencers and organizations. They often share insights into upcoming events and conferences where your skills might be a good fit. Engage with their content to increase your visibility.

Share a Portfolio:

Showcase your prior speaking engagements, complete with testimonials or feedback. This portfolio can take the form of a dedicated LinkedIn post, an article, or an external link. It’s an effective way to illustrate your expertise.

Incorporate Relevant Keywords: 

Infuse your LinkedIn profile with keywords linked to your niche or areas of expertise. Using these keywords improves your profile’s discoverability by clients and organizations searching for public speakers.

Explore Job Listings:

Keep an eye on LinkedIn’s job listings for freelance public speaking opportunities. It’s not limited to just freelance gigs; some part-time or temporary roles may align with your availability and skills.

By efficiently using LinkedIn features and maintaining an active presence, you can create opportunities for freelancing as a public speaker.

How Can I Promote Myself As A Speaker?

Promoting yourself as a speaker requires a strategic approach to stand out in a competitive field. Here are some innovative ways to self-promotion:

Leverage Niche Communities: 

Identify online forums, social media groups, or discussion boards relevant to your speaking topics. Engage in meaningful conversations, share valuable insights, and subtly showcase your expertise. Over time, you’ll build a reputation within these communities, potentially attracting speaking opportunities.

Bite-Sized Content: 

In the era of micro-content, create and share bite-sized, attention-grabbing content. Develop short video clips, impactful quotes, or visually appealing slides from your speeches. Share these on platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, or Twitter to capture a broader audience’s interest.

Interactive Webinars: 

Host interactive webinars where the audience actively participates. Use polls, Q&A sessions, and live discussions to keep attendees engaged. Promote these webinars on social media and encourage participants to invite their connections.

Content Collaboration: 

Partner with content creators, influencers, or YouTubers in your niche. Collaborative content, like podcasts or video interviews, can introduce you to their existing audience and help you tap into a new fan base.

AI-Generated Speech Snippets: 

Use AI tools to transform highlights from your speeches into visually appealing graphics, infographics, or short videos. These can be rapidly shared on social media platforms, making your content more shareable.

LinkedIn Articles and Posts: 

Beyond optimizing your LinkedIn profile for networking, regularly publish articles and posts on your speaking topics. Engage with your connections by sharing your experiences, tips, and observations, establishing yourself as a thought leader.

Storytelling with Data: 

Use compelling storytelling with data to convey your message. Visualize your insights with innovative graphs, charts, or even animations. This can help you create a unique and memorable narrative during your speeches.

Inclusive Accessibility: 

Offer sign language interpreters, captioning, or accessibility features during your speeches. By being inclusive and accessible, you broaden your audience to include those with disabilities and create a positive, empathetic image.

Audio Content: 

The rising popularity of audio content offers new opportunities for speakers. Consider launching a podcast where you share your expertise, interview industry leaders, and showcase your speaking style.

Mobile Apps: 

Develop a mobile app to extend your speaking engagements. You can offer exclusive content, event details, and direct communication with your audience.

Innovative Partnerships: 

Collaborate with innovative startups or companies that are changing the way events are conducted. Such partnerships can open doors to pioneering speaking formats.

Feedback Integration:

Collect feedback and ratings from your audience and use them to improve and refine your speaking skills. Share these testimonials on your website or social media platforms.

By staying updated with the latest trends and embracing innovative promotional strategies, you can create a unique personal brand as a speaker and secure more paid speaking opportunities. These approaches will help you stand out in a competitive market, leaving a lasting impression on both event organizers and your audience.

How Much Do Public Speakers Get Paid?

Public speaking can be a lucrative career, and the fee you earn as a speaker depends on various factors. Here’s a detailed exploration of the factors that influence public speaking fees:

Experience and Expertise: 

As a rule of thumb, the more experienced and knowledgeable you are in your field, the higher your speaking fee can be. Seasoned speakers with a strong track record can command higher fees.

Niche or Topic: 

The demand for speakers can vary based on the topic or niche. Specialized, in-demand topics often yield higher fees. Topics in emerging fields or with a unique perspective can also lead to increased fees.

Event Type: 

The type of event plays a significant role in determining your fee. Keynote speakers, who address larger audiences at major events, typically command higher fees compared to workshop or panel speakers.

Audience Size: 

The size of the audience matters. Speaking in front of a larger crowd can justify a higher fee, as it often requires more preparation and has a greater impact.


The length of your speech matters. Longer presentations often come with higher fees due to the added preparation and content required.


Geographic location can impact your speaking fee. Major cities or international venues may offer higher compensation, but they may also come with increased living and travel expenses.

Market Demand: 

Analyze the demand for speakers in your niche or industry. If there’s a shortage of experts in your field, you can ask for a premium fee.

Brand and Reputation: 

A strong personal brand and positive reputation can influence your fee. Being recognized as a thought leader or influencer can justify a higher rate.

Additional Services: 

Some speakers offer extra services such as workshops, Q&A sessions, or personalized consultations. These add-ons can be priced separately, allowing you to earn more.

Promotional Materials: 

High-quality promotional materials, such as professionally designed websites, showreels, and marketing collateral, can elevate your perceived value.

Social Media Presence: 

An extensive social media following and engagement can demonstrate your influence and increase your value.


Tailoring your speech to the client’s needs and industry can command a premium fee. Customization shows dedication to the event.

Word-of-Mouth and Referrals: 

Positive reviews, referrals, and word-of-mouth can create a strong demand, allowing you to ask for higher fees.


Regularly speaking at events can help you charge more, as it shows you are a dedicated professional.

Educational Credentials: 

Academic qualifications or certifications in your field can also enhance your credibility and your fee.

Understanding these factors can help you determine an appropriate fee for your speaking engagements. Remember that flexibility in pricing is important, as it allows you to cater to different clients and opportunities.

How Much Should I Charge For My Public Speaking Gig?

Determining the proper speaking fee is crucial for both novice and seasoned speakers. It involves several considerations based on your experience, the event, and market conditions. Here’s a breakdown of how you can determine your speaking fee:

1. If I Am A Beginner-

As of October 2023, the average monthly pay for an Entry Level Motivational Speaker in the United States is $3,738 a month.

Research the Market:

Understand the speaking fee landscape in your niche. Research what other beginner speakers charge for similar events. This will provide you with a baseline.

Consider Your Costs: 

Calculate the costs associated with the event, including travel, accommodation, and any materials you need. Ensure that your fee covers these expenses.

Build a Portfolio: 

As a beginner, you may need to build your speaking portfolio. Consider speaking at smaller, local events or webinars to gain experience and testimonials.

Be Open to Negotiation: 

Understand that as a beginner, you may need to be flexible with your fees. Be open to negotiation, especially if the event organizer offers opportunities for exposure or networking.

Promote Your Value: 

Highlight what makes you unique as a speaker, even as a beginner. Showcase your expertise, enthusiasm, and dedication to delivering a great presentation.

2. If I Am The Keynote Speaker-

A full-time professional speaker generally can make anywhere between $50,000 and upwards of $300,000 per year. Keynote speakers are the central attraction at an event and often command higher fees. If you’re in this category:

Know Your Worth: 

Recognize that your extensive expertise and ability to engage the audience merit a higher fee.

Set a Standard Rate: 

Consider setting a standard fee for keynote speeches. This makes it easier to communicate your value to event organizers.

Customize for the Event: 

Be willing to adjust your fee based on the event’s size, type, and location. A high-profile conference may justify a premium fee.

Additional Services: 

If you offer extra services such as workshops, one-on-one consultations, or post-event follow-up, charge accordingly for these services.

Utilize Speaker Bureaus: 

If you’re a keynote speaker, consider working with speaker bureaus that can connect you with high-paying opportunities.

3. If I Am The Guest Speaker-

Guest speakers play a supporting role at an event. Your fee as a guest speaker may vary, and you should consider the following:

Event Budget: 

Understand the budget constraints of the event and work within their means. Be flexible, especially for smaller events.

Value Proposition:

Emphasize the value you bring, even as a guest speaker. Your insights, perspective, or experience can significantly contribute to the event’s success.

Negotiation Skills:

Hone your negotiation skills to ensure you receive fair compensation. Be open to discussions with event organizers to reach mutually beneficial terms.

4. Virtual Speaking Engagement-

Virtual speaking engagements have become more prevalent. Pricing for virtual events involves specific considerations:

Technical Setup:

Consider whether you need to invest in technology or software to deliver a high-quality virtual presentation. Ensure that your fee accounts for these expenses.

Content Delivery: 

Virtual events may require more engaging content to keep remote attendees captivated. Tailor your fee to the level of interactivity expected.

Global Reach: 

Virtual events can attract attendees from around the world. Assess the event’s reach and adjust your fee accordingly.

Quality Production: 

If you can provide a professionally produced virtual presentation, your fee may be higher.

Remember, transparency and open communication with event organizers are essential when discussing your fee. Understand the unique value you bring to each speaking engagement, and be prepared to tailor your fee accordingly.


In conclusion, establishing your worth and determining speaking fees is a dynamic and multifaceted process. Aspiring and experienced speakers alike must consider various factors, including expertise, market research, and adaptability in setting their fees. Transparent communication, effective networking, and continuous learning play vital roles in securing paid speaking engagements. Collaboration with speaker bureaus and leveraging online tools can offer valuable support in your pursuit of paid public speaking. With the rise of virtual events, adaptability, and value delivery remain key. Remember, it’s not just about speaking but making a meaningful impact. By following these principles, you can navigate the diverse world of paid public speaking successfully.

To know more about Public speaking opportunities and how you can get better at leveraging your skills you can reach out to us here.

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