The Frantically Speaking Blog

Our series of articles and indepth resources, dedicated to help students, entrepreneurs and working professionals become effective communicators.

8 Tips for Speakers to Avoid Costly Mistakes On Social Media

8 Tips for Speakers to Avoid Costly Mistakes On Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool for speakers. It helps you reach a larger audience, build your brand, and connect with your followers. However, using social media comes with risks, especially when it comes to managing your finances. Many speakers make costly mistakes that can hurt their reputation and their wallet. In this article, we

How to Become a Highly Paid Professional Speaker

How to Become a Highly Paid Professional Speaker

Becoming a highly paid professional speaker is an exciting and rewarding career choice. In today’s world, businesses, organizations, and events are always looking for talented speakers who can inspire, educate, and entertain their audiences. As a professional speaker, you have the chance to travel, meet interesting people, and share your expertise on topics you are

how to give a TED style talk

5 of the Most Worthwhile Ways To Prepare For A TED-Style Talk

If you are here, congratulations! Because we know something has been cooking in your mind; or to put it in the words of TED, we know you have “Ideas worth sharing”.  Most TEDx speakers hold no degree in public speaking and not many of them have a history in giving life-changing talks. But like you,

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