Speech Titles and Topics: Everything you need to know

Speech titles and topics are the first steps on the ladder of public speaking. Moreover, selecting memorable and intriguing speech titles/speech topics is quite significant as it makes the first impression of the speaker in front of his or her audience and it could be either positive or negative. 

Giving a speech in front of a large audience is hard, however, selecting a topic and the title for your speech is much more difficult. If a speaker would not have an influential or persuasive topic or title for his or her speech, then the audience, from the beginning, would be uninterested in the talk. 

If you want to be able to know everything about speech titles and speech topics and hence, become an effective public speaker, then you have got the right article. So, READ ON. 

What is a Speech title?

Speech titles are merely like the headlines of an article. Their main purpose is to simply give an idea to the audience about the speech. A good speech title could attract the audience’s attention. In addition, it could entice those people as well who would otherwise not come to hear the speech. 

To have a title in every speech is not a hard and fast rule. However, to be an effective and influential speaker, an orator ought to form the title of his or her speech. For instance, it would be most valued when a speaker is being introduced to deliver his or her speech by his or her speech title. 

Characteristics of a Good Speech Title

1. Intrigue the spectators

The title of your speech should somehow give an idea about the subject to the audience but not entirely. It should be such that it arouses interest in the audience and forces them to listen to your speech. Furthermore, the audience would begin to imagine the subject of the speech which would make them more inquisitive about it. 

Moreover, even if the topic of your speech is quite simple and general, the speech title ought to be eye-catching and persuasive. Consequently, it would give meaning to your subject matter and you as an effective and influential orator. 

For example, if someone gives a speech on time management, then instead of having a title as “Introduction to time management”, it could be substituted with “Life is a race” or “Every day is a busy day”. 

2. Short and sweet

It is quite significant for a good speech title to be short of words but long in ideas. People usually do not prefer to read lengthy titles therefore, it should be such that they could read it at a glance. In addition, long speech titles diminish the whole purpose and value of the subject matter. 

Short speech title

Some examples of the distinction between short and long speech titles are:

Short TitlesLong Titles
Pollution: A baneHow pollution is affecting the world and what can be done to prevent it.
My journey of lockdownWhat are the skills I learned and the new activities I performed in the lockdown?
My Dialogue with Dr KingThe life, career, accomplishments, and death of Martin Luther King Jr.

3. Unique and original

When forming a speech title, it is quite significant to be creative. A speech title could be in any form, like a rhetorical question, a quote, a statement etc. However, whatever form it takes, it should not be monotonous, instead, it should give the audience a sense of motivation and inspiration. 

Original speech titles

Various examples include:

  • Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder (It could be about body shaming or the importance of art)
  • I have a dream (Martin Luther King’s speech about racism and civil rights)
  • I stammer (It could be about the problem of stuttering and its intervention)

4. Appropriate

A speech title should be connected with the content of the speech. The two should not go on different paths. For instance, if the content of your speech is serious, then the title ought not to be very amusing. Moreover, the title should not be intended to hurt someone’s feelings and it should not be offensive. In addition, it should not be such that it deviates the audience completely from the topic of the speech. 

appropriate speech titles/speech topics

Catchy words for Speech Titles

Catchy words are used to arouse the feelings of happiness, excitement, curiosity, anger, sense of emergency etc in a person. To make an effective speech title, you should remember to use catchy words in it to entice the audience. These words allow the readers to contemplate more about the subject of the speech and form perspectives or viewpoints. 

Moreover, not only do they attract the audience, but conversely, they also psychologically impact them. The words give them a sense of clarity as they make the title to the point. In addition, their main purpose is to persuade the audience by making the title eye-catching and alluring.

Emotional wordsShocking wordsEducational wordsSecret wordsHappiness wordsFear words
UncertainMiracleTrainUnrevealed FortuneAppalling
DisappointedOutrageous ChallengeDiscreetAcceptableTragic

Significance of Speech Topics

Speeches are a way to make an impact in the world. They give liberty to people to express their thoughts, feelings and ideas in front of others. Moreover, through speeches, we can take a stand and support the right things. On the other hand, it rather becomes difficult sometimes to speak the right words at the correct time, however, speeches are a platform to speak with preparedness and practice. 

Furthermore, a speech could be delivered on any topic or subject. However, whatever the topic of the speech is, it should not be monotonous and too general for the audience to get bored and not get intrigued by it. 

interesting speech titles/speech topics

1. Persuasive speech topics

Public speaking is intended solely to persuade and influence the audience. Therefore, for a persuasive speech, the topic should be selected in such a way that it manages to engage and entertain the audience at the same time. 

Moreover, the topic of a persuasive speech should be able to trigger the emotions of the audience which would make them engaged with the speech till the end. 

“There is nothing in the world like persuasive speech to fuddle the mental apparatus.”

Mark Twain

Some topics for persuasive speeches are:

  • The detrimental effect of social media
  • Spending time with your grandparents
  • Equal wages for males and females
  • Importance of saving for retirement
  • Ways to speak confidently in public
  • Overcoming the fear of failure
  • Prevention of pollution (or other environmental issues)
  • Aims of my life
  • Speech about a famous personality (like Mahatma Gandhi, APJ Abdul Kalam etc)
  • Right to education for women

2. Emotional speech topics

The purpose of emotional speeches is to arouse feelings or sentiments in the audience. In other words, it is simply a heart to heart talk between the speaker and the spectators. It is about engaging the audience in a plethora of emotions. 

“Speakers who talk about what life has taught them never fail to keep the attention of their listeners.”

Dale Carnegie

Several topics for emotional speeches are:

  • The experiences of school or college
  • Stop disrespecting your parents
  • A good heart is more valuable than good looks
  • Happiness is a state of mind
  • The significance of family in life along with friends
  • Importance of optimism in life
  • Topics on social issues, like suicide, abortion, animal rights, gender inequality, women’s rights and many more
  • Domestic issues like marriage, divorce, working mothers, homosexual couples, adoption of children, teen parents etc
  • Topics on the issues of law and legalities like illegal immigrants, capital punishment, rape, frauds, drugs, cybercrimes and related topics
  • Issues of war and military, like terrorism, religion, rights of women and homosexual military personnel, defence system etc

Go through this article for more information: How to write a domestic violence speech with sample speech

3. Informative speech topics

Any speech that is based on facts, data or specific information is referred to as informative speech. This kind of speech is not just about expressing one’s thoughts or emotions, instead, it is delivered to give reliable and relevant information to the audience about a particular topic or subject. It is a blend of data, the speaker’s viewpoints, statistics and research. 

Informative speech titles/speech topics

Various topics for informative speeches are:

  • The distinction between hardware and software
  • How the brain of a human being functions
  • The advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence
  • Is laziness related to gender
  • Motivational techniques for employees
  • Ways to start and expand a business
  • Significance of sustainable development in the future
  • The causes and impact of psychological disorders
  • Prevention of cyberbullying in schools and colleges
  • Comprehending the evolution of the human race

4. 1-minute speech topics

These speeches can be prepared or could be impromptu. These are the most difficult yet valuable speeches to master. Because the speaker gets only 60 seconds to complete three important jobs, which are to inform, persuade and entertain the audience. 

Moreover, it is important to choose the right words for these speeches as it is all about expressing one’s thoughts and emotions. Hence, the speaker should follow the format of “Point, Reason and Example” to master 1-minute speeches. 

“The very best impromptu speeches are the ones written well in advance.”

Ruth Gordon

Some of the general topics for 1-minute speeches are:

  • The detrimental effects of child labour
  • The best time of my day
  • Importance of e-learning
  • Ways to develop self-confidence
  • Wonders of the world
  • Ignorance is bliss
  • Significance of leadership skills
  • The surge in the employment opportunities
  • Managing and resolving conflicts
  • Controversies on religion

Read this article for more useful insights: 1-minute speech

5. Speech topics for children

It is not a bad idea if children learn and master the art of public speaking. From a young age, they would be able to communicate effectively, develop self-confidence, and move away from anxiety and stage fright. Moreover, they would acquire persuasion skills and build better relationships. 

In addition, the abilities and interests of each and every child differ. However, children love to speak and express their thoughts about the things they like and desire. 

Some examples of topics for kids’ speeches are:

  • Share your opinions about your favourite book
  • The favourite season of the year
  • The worst vegetable to eat
  • If I could talk to animals…
  • The importance of water
  • How do aeroplanes fly
  • The dream vacation
  • Fun games to play outdoors vs indoors
  • Meaning of happiness to me
  • The significance of family vs friends in my life

Go through this article for more useful information: 10 benefits of public speaking for kids and how to teach them

How to find a good Speech Topic?

Delivering a speech in front of a large audience is hard, however, finding or selecting a topic for the speech could prove to be an arduous job. The topic you choose to speak on could be the stepping stone in either making or breaking your impression in the eyes of the audience. Nevertheless, if you choose to abide by the following steps in selecting or finding a speech topic, then certainly, you would become an effective orator.

1. Identify the audienceResearch the audience before a speech. It could include their common interests, hobbies, age, gender, education and other relevant factors.
2. Know the purpose behind the eventSometimes, people prepare their speeches however, at the last moment, they get to know that their topic is not of relevance to the event. Therefore, it is always a good idea to identify the nature of the speaking event and its main motives.
3.Connect with yourselfIt is always a great idea to speak on a topic that intrigues you as a speaker first. It should be a blend of your knowledge and experiences.
4.Take inspiration from current affairsTo sound appropriate and relevant in front of the audience, it is significant that you heavily research the everyday happenings in the world. Consequently, it would emotionally connect the audience with your speech.
5. Brainstorming ideasOrganisation is one of the keys to effective public speaking. Hence, you should document all your ideas to consider all possibilities and then, finally decide on a relevant topic of your choice and that of the audience.

Final words

Both speech titles and speech topics have their significance in public speaking. The topic is the basis of any speech, be it persuasive, informational or emotional speech. The speech is delivered on a topic that spreads a certain message to the audience and persuades them to believe the speaker’s arguments. 

On the other hand, although, speech titles are not necessary for every speech, however, their usage could add value to the speech and helps in keeping the audience engaged and entertained. Consequently, the appropriate selection of speech topics and efficient use of speech titles could be beneficial in making a person a better and more effective speaker.

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