Professional “Thank You” Email Subject Lines After Your Interview (With Examples)

thank you email after interview

Writing a Thank you Email is all about making sure that the interview is still not over. By mastering the art of Thank-You Email Subject Lines you can make your message unforgettable. The subject line of an email is arguably the most important part because it serves as the initial hook to capture the recipient’s attention. In just a few words, it provides a glimpse into the content and purpose of the email. It’s important to know how to write an effective subject line and that is exactly what we will help you to do:

The job interview process is a crucial step in landing your dream job, and it doesn’t end when you walk out of the interview room. Sending a thoughtful thank you email after an interview can significantly improve your chances of securing the position. A well-crafted thank you email expresses your gratitude, reiterates your interest in the role, and allows you to address any important points discussed during the interview. In this blog, we’ll explore the essential subjects for a thank you email after an interview to help you leave a lasting impression on your potential employer.

Why should I write a thank you email after my interview?

Writing a thank you email after a job interview is not just a courteous gesture; it’s a strategic move that can positively impact your chances of securing the job.  You can increase your chances of getting hired simply because of the recall effect of the brain called the availability Heuristic. Your email made sure you are more rememberable than anyone else who interviewed and thus while making the final hiring decision you will most certainly be on their list.

Writing a thank you email after an Interview

Here are some compelling reasons why you should send a thank you email after your interview:

1. Expresses Gratitude:

 A thank you email demonstrates your appreciation for the opportunity to interview. It acknowledges the time and effort the interviewer(s) invested in meeting with you.

2. Leaves a Lasting Impression: 

Sending a thoughtful thank you email allows you to stand out in the hiring process. It reinforces your interest in the position and the company, making you a more memorable candidate.

3. Reiterates Interest:

 A well-written thank you email provides an opportunity to reaffirm your enthusiasm for the role. It reminds the employer of your strong interest in the job.

4. Reinforces Qualifications:

 You can use the email to reiterate your key qualifications and how they align with the job requirements. This can help counter any doubts the interviewer may have had and reinforce your suitability for the position.

5. Corrects Mistakes:

 If you feel you made a mistake or omitted important information during the interview, the thank you email is a chance to address those issues. It allows you to provide clarification or additional details.

6. Demonstrates Professionalism: 

Sending a thank you email showcases your professionalism and attention to detail, qualities that are highly valued by employers. It reflects positively on your character.

7. Keeps You on Their Radar:

 In a competitive job market, it’s essential to stay on the employer’s radar. A thank you email ensures your name continues to circulate among the hiring team.

8. Further Engagement:

 Some thank-you emails lead to additional interactions, such as follow-up interviews or discussions about the next steps in the hiring process. It keeps the lines of communication open.

9. Builds Rapport: 

A well-crafted thank you email can help build a positive rapport with the interviewer(s). It reinforces the relationship you’ve started to develop during the interview.

10. Shows Initiative: 

Taking the initiative to send a thank you email demonstrates your eagerness and proactiveness. Employers often appreciate candidates who go the extra mile.

11. Provides a Last Chance to Shine: 

The thank you email is your last chance to make a strong impression before the hiring decision is made. Use it wisely to showcase your unique value.

12. Can Impact the Decision:

 In some cases, a well-timed and compelling thank-you email can sway the hiring decision in your favor. It can provide the final nudge needed to tip the scales in your direction.

13. Hint at Something You Didn’t Mention During the Interview:

With this strategy, you’re appealing to the interviewer’s natural curiosity.

It’s not uncommon to walk out of an interview wishing you said something you didn’t. It happens all the time. You’re already nervous, and there’s only so much time to say what you want.

If there are some details you didn’t get the opportunity to bring up, use them to your advantage when writing the subject line for your thank you email. Alluding to this new information can pique their interest, encouraging them to click your email and read your thank-you message.

This approach can benefit you, too. Sometimes, referencing details you didn’t provide during your interview is the final push hiring managers need to make a decision. Provide a quick tease of that in your email subject line, and they’ll likely read it.

14. Expressing Appreciation: A Simple Compliment to Start Our Conversation:

Incorporating a compliment into your thank-you email subject line is not about pandering to the ego but rather about adding a personal touch. Recognizing someone’s work is universally appreciated, including by interviewers. It’s an effective way to initiate your email with a touch of positivity. By offering a brief compliment in the subject line and elaborating in your thank-you message, you create an enticing opening that most recipients can’t resist clicking. This approach not only showcases your interpersonal skills but also demonstrates your attentiveness to detail and your ability to acknowledge and appreciate others’ contributions. Ultimately, it sets the stage for building a strong and positive relationship, which can be valuable in your future interactions.

Example of a Thank You Email after Interview:

Here is a sample Thank You Email for you to understand how long should a thank you email be and how to say thank you effectively. By using a subject line that is well written, we can ensure that the hiring team definitely opens the mail and goes through it. Let us see how the email looks:  

Subject: Gratitude and Enthusiasm: Thank You for the Interview Opportunity

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for the opportunity to interview for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name] on [Interview Date]. It was a pleasure meeting you and the team, and I’m even more excited about the prospect of joining your organization.

I left the interview feeling inspired and enthusiastic about the possibility of contributing to [Company Name]’s success. The discussions we had about [Key Discussion Point from the Interview] particularly resonated with me. I appreciate your insights and the chance to share my experiences in that context. 

I’m truly excited about the potential to apply my skills and background to support [Company Name]’s mission and goals, especially in the area of [Highlight a Key Skill or Experience Relevant to the Role]. During our conversation, I was also impressed by your commitment to sustainability and environmental initiatives, which align perfectly with my own values and interests.

I’m confident that my dedication to effective communication and my experience in [Reiterate Relevant Qualifications] make me a strong fit for this role. I look forward to the possibility of collaborating with your team to achieve [Company Name]’s objectives.

As we discussed during the interview, I’m eager to learn more about the next steps in the selection process and any additional information or materials you may require from me. Please feel free to reach out to me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address] if there are any further details you need.

Once again, thank you for your time and consideration. I appreciate the opportunity to be a part of the [Company Name] team and look forward to the possibility of contributing to your continued success.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Tips for writing a successful thank-you email subject line 

When deciding what to write as your email subject line for a thank-you email, consider:

  1. Concise Language: Keep it short and to the point. Use clear and concise language to communicate the purpose of your email succinctly.
  2. Audience Awareness: Consider who your recipients are and adjust your tone and language accordingly. A subject line for a professional contact should differ from one sent to a friend or family member.
  3. Reflect on the Content: Think about the core message of your email and try to capture it in the subject line. If you’re thanking someone for a specific reason, mention it in the subject.
  4. Personalization: Incorporate the recipient’s name if appropriate and relevant. Personalization can make your email feel more heartfelt and less generic.
  5. Express Gratitude: If your subject line doesn’t explicitly mention “thank you,” make sure it conveys gratitude in some form. This helps set the tone for the email.
  6. Clarity and Relevance: Ensure that your subject line accurately represents the content of your email. It should immediately make sense to the recipient.
  7. Testing: Before sending your email, consider sending it to yourself or a trusted friend to see how the subject line appears in your inbox and whether it effectively conveys your message.

What can you include in your interview thank you note subject line?

To ensure your thank-you email is noticed by your interviewer, consider including one or more of the following elements in your subject line:

  • Expressing gratitude: Start with a simple “Thank you” or “Thanks” to convey your appreciation right away.
  • Mention the meeting: Acknowledge the specific interaction, such as “Thank you for our meeting” or “Thanks for our call,” to remind the recipient of the context.
  • Refer to the job position: Make it clear which interview you’re addressing by including the title of the open position. For instance, “Thank You – Sales Associate Interview” provides clarity.
  • Specify the day or time: If you’re sending your thank-you note on the same day as your interview, highlight the timing in the subject line. For example, you can use “Thanks for chatting this morning” or “This afternoon.”

Keep in mind that including your full name in the subject line is unnecessary since your name will already appear in the sender field of your interviewer’s inbox. This simplifies the subject line and ensures it remains concise and effective.

Subjects for the Email:

1. “Thank You for the Interview Opportunity”:

  • This subject line is straightforward and directly expresses gratitude for the interview opportunity.
  • It’s clear and concise, making it easy for the recipient to understand the purpose of the email immediately.

2. “Appreciation for Our Meeting”:

  • This subject line uses a slightly more formal word (“appreciation”) to convey gratitude.
  • It acknowledges the interview as a meaningful meeting, which can make it stand out in the recipient’s inbox.

3. “Gratitude for Your Time and Insights”:

  • This subject line not only thanks the recipient for their time but also acknowledges the value of the insights shared during the interview.
  • It shows appreciation for the knowledge and information gained during the conversation.

4. “Reaffirming My Interest in [Job Title] Position”:

  • This subject line emphasizes your continued enthusiasm for the specific job you interviewed for.
  • It reaffirms your commitment to the role, which can be reassuring to the employer.

5. “A Thank You for [Company Name] Interview”:

  • This subject line personalizes the thank you by mentioning the company’s name.
  • It shows that you appreciate the opportunity to interview with that specific organization.

6. “Reflecting on Our Interview Conversation”:

  • This subject line suggests that you’ve been thinking about the interview, indicating your genuine interest.
  • It opens the door for you to share your reflections and insights in the email.

7. “Appreciative of the Chance to Interview”:

  • This subject line expresses appreciation and focuses on the opportunity itself.
  • It conveys a positive and grateful attitude toward the interview experience.

8. “Following Up and Expressing My Thanks”:

  • This subject line clearly communicates that the email is a follow-up to the interview.
  • It combines gratitude with the intent to follow up on any next steps discussed during the interview.

9. “Reinforcing My Commitment to [Company Name]”:

  • This subject line emphasizes your commitment to the specific company.
  • It signals your eagerness to become part of their team and contribute to their success.

10. “Looking Forward to the Next Steps”:

  • This subject line keeps the focus on what comes next in the hiring process.
  • It shows your anticipation and readiness to move forward, making it a positive note to end the email on.

11. “Thank you for interviewing with me this morning”

  • Timely Reference: It specifies the time of day, which adds context to the email and helps the recipient recall the interview easily.
  • Gratitude: Expresses appreciation for the morning interview, showing respect for the interviewer’s schedule and time.
  • Professionalism: The subject line maintains a professional tone and sets the right tone for the thank-you message.

12. “Thank you for interviewing me for the [job title]”

  • Clarity: This subject line is straightforward and leaves no room for confusion. It immediately lets the recipient know the purpose of the email.
  • Acknowledgment: It shows gratitude for the interview opportunity, demonstrating professionalism and courtesy.
  • Relevance: The subject ties directly to the job position, emphasizing your interest and appreciation for being considered.

13. “I enjoyed meeting with you and the hiring [or search] committee today”

  • Personal Touch: It adds a personal touch by mentioning the hiring or search committee, acknowledging the collaborative effort in the interview process.
  • Positive Tone: Expressing enjoyment suggests a positive experience, leaving a favorable impression.
  • Inclusivity: By mentioning both the interviewer and committee, it recognizes all involved parties and appreciates their time and effort.

14. “Nice speaking with you regarding [job title] yesterday”

  • Timely Reference: It specifies the day of the interview, which can be a helpful reminder for the recipient.
  • Friendly Tone: The use of “Nice speaking” adds warmth to the subject line, making it less formal and more conversational.
  • Job Title Focus: By referencing the job title, it reinforces your interest and commitment to the specific position.

15. “Thank you for a great conversation about the [job title]”

  • Gratitude: Expresses thanks right away, setting a positive tone for the email.
  • Quality Focus: Mentioning a “great conversation” emphasizes the quality of the interaction, indicating a strong connection or rapport.
  • Relevance: Tying the conversation to the job title shows that you’re genuinely interested in the role and company.

16. “Following up to say thank you for meeting with me on [day]”

  • Timely Follow-Up: It highlights that you’re sending the thank-you email promptly after the interview.
  • Clear Purpose: The subject makes it evident that the email is a follow-up for expressing gratitude, reducing any ambiguity.
  • Date Reference: Including the day adds a personal touch and reminds the recipient of when the interview occurred.

17. “Thank you for taking the time to meet with me this afternoon”

  • Gratitude: Expresses thanks for the interviewer’s time and effort, demonstrating appreciation.
  • Time Reference: It specifies the time of the interview, adding context to the subject line.
  • Professionalism: The subject line maintains a professional tone while showing courtesy and gratitude.

18. “It was a pleasure meeting you and learning more about [job title]”

  • Pleasant Tone: It conveys a sense of pleasure, indicating a positive experience.
  • Interest in the Role: By mentioning that you enjoyed learning more about the job title, it underscores your interest and engagement in the position.
  • Politeness: The subject line maintains a polite and respectful tone throughout the message.

25 subject lines to show gratitude for a Recommendation

Showing Gratitude and writing a thank you email

Here are 25 subject lines you can consider for colleagues who give a recommendation on your behalf:

  1. Gratitude for Your Exceptional Recommendation
  2. Sincere Thanks for Championing My Cause
  3. Appreciating Your Kind Testimonial
  4. Your Support Means the World to Me
  5. Continued Gratitude for Your Endorsement
  6. Your Valuable Recommendation is a Gift
  7. Cheers to You for Paving My Path
  8. Expressing Thanks for Your Remarkable Contribution
  9. Your Hard Work Never Ceases to Amaze
  10. Above and Beyond: Your Support is Priceless
  11. Heartfelt Thanks for Your Thoughtful Outreach
  12. Thank you for the recommendation
  13. I appreciate you supporting me
  14. Thank you for your kind words
  15. I value you taking the time to recommend me
  16. Thank you for your continued support
  17. I appreciate your time with this
  18. Thank you for supporting my future!
  19. Thank you for being an inspiration
  20. Thank you for being an influential leader
  21. Thanks for your incredible work
  22. Your hard work does not go unnoticed
  23. Thank you for going above and beyond
  24. Thank you for helping with this project
  25. Thank you for making this project a success


In summary, it’s crucial to carefully craft the subject line of your thank you email after an interview. This small detail can have a significant impact on your job search journey. It serves as your initial chance to grab the recipient’s attention and set the tone for your message. The subject line should be concise, clear, and tailored to the specific context of the interview. Whether you choose to express gratitude, highlight important aspects of the conversation, allude to additional information, or even offer a compliment – remember that a well-crafted subject line can leave a lasting impression and increase the likelihood of your thank you email being read and appreciated.

As you engage in this post-interview courtesy, take a moment to reflect on the nature of your interaction with the recipient and consider what sets you apart. By doing so, not only will you convey your appreciation but also emphasize why you are suitable for the role and demonstrate your commitment to potential employers. So go ahead – make that subject line shine bright and continue leaving a positive impression long after the interview has concluded. Your thoughtful thank you email might just be that final touch that tips things in your favor and opens doors to new career opportunities.

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