Powerful 2 Minute Speech Topics: A-Z Guide (With 200+ Examples)

Woman giving a speech

It is often believed that giving a 2-Minute Speech is the most challenging form of public speaking because of the time constraint. But here I am to tell you that there is something even more challenging than giving a 2-minute speech. And that is finding a powerful 2-minute speech topic!

2-minute speeches are short, crisp ways to present your opinion, understanding, or study to others. It is short. It is simple. And it is convenient, especially from the listener’s point of view.

To know more about 2-minute speeches, check out this short video below:

2 MINUTE SPEECHES: How to write & deliver an impactful short speech

Here is what you can expect from this blog:

What is a 2-minute speech?

2-minute speeches are short and crisp speeches of about 260-350 words.

Because 2-minute speeches are short, you can be assured of having constant attention from your audience. This means that you might have to come up with a 2-minute speech topic that is not only informative and interesting but one that stands out and makes the audience want to listen to it immediately.

So how do you find a 2-minute speech topic?

A girl trying to find something

There are 2 ways you can find a 2-minute speech topic that would suit perfectly for your next speech.

First is when you go about doing your research and then ideating or selecting a topic that is more in line with your purpose of giving the speech.

The second and the most popular way to find a 2-minute speech topic is to go on to google and type 2-minute speech topics. You shouldn’t be shocked at the number of topics the internet has to offer to you. You might not even have to go anywhere else, jump on to the speech topics section if you want to get straight into selecting a 2-minute speech topic for yourself.

Researching for your 2-minute speech topic

So, you chose not to select one of the many topics available on the internet? That’s great! Want to know why?

1. It would help you come up with a topic that is more personalized and less common.

When you come up with the topic yourself, you move from the very broad topics available online and can find a topic that caters more to your area of interest or understanding.

2. You would be able to narrow down on a topic of your choice or area of interest.
3. It would help you gain an understanding of the topic from various points of view

In the initial ideation stage, as you try to research the topic and find a topic for your 2-minute speech, you would be exposed to various political, environmental, or social perspectives of the same topic which would further help you to not only narrow down your topic but also understand your topic from various points of view, thus helping you ace a question-and-answer round.

Process of Finding a topic

Before beginning straight up by researching your topic, there are a couple of things that you might have to take a look into which will help you navigate through the next step (that is researching for your topic). These include:

1. Understanding the event for which you’d be giving the speech

Understanding the event or occasion where you will be giving the speech is important as it would give you a brief idea of what is expected in terms of the content and tone of your speech.

So, for instance, if you are giving a speech at a conference, it would have a more formal tonality to it as compared to a speech that you might present at your best friend’s wedding which would usually be filled with a lot of slang, humor, and casual tone.

2. Understanding your audience

The next thing you should try to find a little more clarity on is your possible audience. Understanding who the majority of your audience will comprise will help you in finding a topic that would be more in line with their broad interest, thus attracting them to listen to your speech right from the very beginning.

3. Your interests and knowledge

Yet another thing that you must take into consideration besides what the event and audience expect from you is your interest in the topic. Having a tad bit of understanding of the speech topic you would want to dive into can also help you in navigating through your research better.

4. Your purpose for giving the speech

Establish your purpose for giving the speech even before you start researching. The reason is very simple, you’d be able to understand which kind of a topic you should focus on depending on the purpose of your speech.

Do you plan on providing the audience with detailed information on the topic? Or are you trying to sell your view or product to the audience within these 2 minutes?

In both cases, your topic, as well as the structure of speech, would be very different.


Once you have an idea of your audience, your interests, and your knowledge areas, you can then move on to researching your topic.

A simple google search can be a good starting point.

Take the help of news articles, journals, blogs, and much more to narrow down and come up with a 2-minute speech topic that you feel most excited about!

Selecting a 2-minute speech topic from the internet

A-Z List of 2-minute speech topics

Find some of the best 2-minute speech topics here:


  1. Abortion: Should the government have a say in it?
  2. Art:  A mode of storytelling
  3. A day in the life of a (add your profession, organization, or ethnicity)
  4. Artificial intelligence: a boon or a curse?
  5. Art and Craft: a lost activity
  6. Benefits of Yoga
  7. Benefits of meditation
  8. Ban on Animal testing
  9. Bullying and how to discourage it
  10. Buildings and Aesthetics: An architectural standpoint
  11. Chronic Depression and its cure
  12. Cults: The secrets you know nothing about
  13. Cultural difference: The harsh reality of moving abroad
  14. Corruption: the hidden dirt
  15. Cricket: sport turned into a religion
  16. Climate Change
  17. Disaster Management
  18. Domino effect in real life
  19. Demonetization in India
  20. Dance therapy and its uses
  21. Dealing with daily hassles of life
  22. Environmental pollution and its adverse effects
  23. Education system of India
  24. Election ethics and rules
  25. Elocutions: Everything you need to know
  26. Everything we know about aliens
  27. FOMO (Fear of missing out) and how to deal with it
  28. Falling in your dreams: the meaning behind it
  29. Fat loss fads you must avoid
  30. Fitness and influencing
  31. Forced labor: An unfortunate reality
  32. Girl Education: The inspiring story of Malala
  33. Generation gap and how it affects communication
  34. Gender sensitization and ways of being more aware of it
  35. Growing a terrace garden
  36. Gaining muscles: everything you need to know


  1. Health and Hygiene: Two underrated
  2. Hacks to do well in your academics
  3. Habits that are ruining your health
  4. Hollywood: An insight into the world of glamour
  5. Hitchhiking your way to find peace
  6. Importance of reading
  7. Importance of following a routine
  8. Importance of kindness
  9. Importance of education
  10. Importance of sports
  11. The language barrier and how to overcome it
  12. Loyalty: An endangered quality?
  13. Land Pollution and ways to deal with it
  14. Less is more: All about Minimalism
  15. Legalization of marijuana: An opinion
  16. Moral Policing: is it ethical?
  17. Memorizing speeches and their disadvantages
  18. Making friends as adults
  19. Manifestation: A belief or a joke?
  20. Millennials: generation of environmental advocates
  21. Mental health
  22. Music and its power to heal
  23. Media and its effects on forming opinions
  24. My role models
  25. My country


  1. Noise pollution
  2. National integration
  3. Natural resources: A tragedy of depleting future
  4. Negating minorities and their impact on the overall development of the country
  5. Natural disasters: Can we tackle them?
  6. Online dating and its effects on self-esteem
  7. Online education and its authenticity
  8. Overcoming fear through exposure therapy
  9. Olympics 2021
  10. Organ donation: Progress made so far
  11. Our Environment, our responsibility
  12. Pros and cons of being a vegetarian
  13. Political ideologies that shook the world
  14. Poor scores and their effect on the success
  15. Parenting styles over the years
  16. Paternal leaves in Indian organizations
  17. Poverty in India
  18. Positive thinking and gratitude
  19. Punctuality: Through the eyes of different cultures
  20. Quarantine and increase in social anxiety among people
  21. Qualifying for Olympics: Struggle unspoken of
  22. Quran and its teachings
  23. Questionnaire: The best way of collecting data?
  24. Questioning and its importance in the workspace
  25. Racism:  An unfortunate view in the society
  26. Right to education
  27. Religion vs Spirituality
  28. Reasons why failure is important
  29. The reality of fast-food brands
  30. Should body-shaming be a punishable offense?
  31. Sneaker trends that would blow your mind
  32. Sustainable fashion brands to follow
  33. Shaping perspectives through conformity
  34. Time management: A necessary corporate skill
  35. Travel and tourism: A Course
  36. Technology and its growing importance in everyday life
  37. Tourism in India
  38. The best day of my life


  1. Unity: A quality that formed countries
  2. Unity in Diversity in India
  3. Unemployment and its impact on the mental health of the youth
  4. Understanding climate change
  5. Understanding the importance of compounding
  6. Value of Education
  7. Value of Hard work
  8. Value of Discipline
  9. Videogames and their influence on violent behavior
  10. Viral: A trend or a tragic accident?
  11. Which is better: Studying in the country or moving abroad?
  12. What does sustainability mean?
  13. What is the Bermuda triangle?
  14. Water pollution and its solutions
  15. Waste management around the world
  16. World peace: An idea that is achievable or too far-fetched?
  17. Xenotransplantation: Future of organ transplantation
  18. Xerox: A brand or name for photocopy
  19. Xbox and its evolution over the years
  20. X-rays and how it harms the human body

2-minute speech topics for students

what are the best topics for students?

If you have asked yourself this question but haven’t received an answer yet, check out the list below to find one now!

  1. Opinion on the New education policy
  2. Need for sex education in schools
  3. Overcoming the problem of Brain Drain
  4. Addressing the issue of child labor
  5. Pros and cons of online degrees
  6. Boarding school vs full-time schools
  7. Co-ed school vs gender-specific schools
  8. Liberty to choose your subjects in schools
  9. Ban on uniforms
  10. Curbing school shootings
  11. Education system of India
  12. Grading system: Changes required.
  13. Peer pressure and the need to fit in
  14. Coping with academic stress
  15. Are scores a good measure of student’s intelligence?
  16. Importance of focusing on extracurricular activities

2-minute speech topics for MBA students

  1. Advantages of cloud kitchens
  2. Importance of understanding the market
  3. Best marketing strategy
  4. Hard work vs smart work
  5. The rise of entrepreneurship in India
  6. Importance of internships in skills building
  7. Reservation system: My honest pinion
  8. Pros and cons of working from home
  9. Everything about GST you don’t know of
  10. Stocks or Cryptocurrencies?
  11. Using reels to market products
  12. Understanding the importance of influencer marketing
  13. Assessing job satisfaction among employees
  14. Biggest banking frauds in the world
  15.  How movies influence fashion trends
  16. The insane E-commerce discounts
  17. Women in Business
  18. Why age is just a number when it comes to entrepreneurship
  19. Management lessons from mythology
  20. Make in India or Make for India?

Speech topics for adults

  1. Are first impressions really the most lasting impressions?
  2. Importance of observing in everyday life
  3. Conforming vs standing out: What should you prefer?
  4. Impact of positive thinking in healing chronic diseases
  5. Importance of body language in public speaking
  6. Is buying luxury goods on a loan worth it?
  7. Why renting a house is better than buying it
  8. Why timetables never work
  9. How do colors affect the way we feel?
  10. How your brains are wired to think negatively
  11. Impact of childhood trauma on antisocial behaviors
  12. Love: Difference between what is real and reel
  13. Why being young is overrated
  14. Are you a victim of the fashion industry?
  15. How to easily start a conversation
  16. Savings in college could help you in your 40s
  17. Being happy all the time is an unachievable reality
  18. The advantages of taking calculated risks
  19. Dealing with stress on a daily basis
  20. How do you overcome obstacles?

2-minute speech topics for the Interview

  1. Understanding the future of the metaverse
  2. Hard work leads to smart work
  3. Effect of job satisfaction on life satisfaction
  4. How to motivate the employees in no time
  5. Gender Equality in the Workplace
  6. How to get over stage fright?
  7. How to give a speech in an interview?
  8. How organizational culture affects motivation?
  9. Management strategies that can help in improving productivity
  10. Ways to essentially decrease production costs

Funny 2-minute speech topics

  1. Why I would rather go to jail than clean utensils
  2. If I could live my cat’s life for a day
  3. The most profitable mistake I ever made
  4. Tutorial on how to deny reality
  5. Tips on walking your dog
  6. Why you must never eat fish food
  7. Things you can do to irritate someone
  8. Evolution of my new year’s resolutions
  9. Adulting and falling in love with the idea of arranged marriages
  10. Dating in 2022

2-minute speech topics on any proverb

  1. Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder
  2. Actions speak louder than words
  3. Health is wealth
  4. Joy of giving
  5. Don’t judge a book by its cover
  6. Knowledge is power
  7. Laughter is the best medicine
  8. Action speaks louder than words.
  9. A jack of all trades is a master of none.
  10. A good listener is a silent flatterer.
  11. All that glitters is not gold.
  12. Among the blind, the one-eyed man is the king.
  13. An idle brain is the devil’s workshop.
  14. As you sow, so you shall reap.
  15. What goes around comes back around.
  16. Curiosity killed the cat.
  17. Time is money.

Unique speech topics

  1. The tragedy of not being on social media
  2. Importance of taking a drop year
  3. Are scholarships always fair?
  4. Reasons teenagers start substance abuse
  5. Places on earth no man has ever been
  6. The most surveillance city in the world
  7. Why euthanasia is justified
  8. Formal schooling is important despite not being practical
  9. If the earth stopped rotating for a split second
  10. Benefits of boiling water

2-minute speech topics on famous personalities

  1. Mahatma Gandhi
  2. William Shakespeare
  3. Rabindranath Tagore
  4. Nelson Mandela
  5. Barack Obama
  6. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
  7. Virat Kohli
  8. Jawaharlal Nehru
  9. Winston Churchill
  10. Abraham Lincoln

How to make a 2-minute speech script?

Once you have decided on your topic for the speech, the next step is to come up with the speech itself or the script.

For this, you’ll have to understand the approx number of words you will be comfortable adding to your speech so as to not exceed the time limit of 2-minutes.

Next, you can go about the usual “introduction, main body, and conclusion” structure for structuring your script.

It isn’t necessary for you to frame the entire speech word for word, you can also frame it in a pointer format if that is more convenient for you.

Delivering 2-minute speeches

Person giving speech

How do you start a 2-minute speech?

As there isn’t much time in your hand, presenting detailed opening lines for a 2-minute speech would mean that you would have to cut down on your main content.

Instead, you can start by giving a very quick introduction like “Hi I am Nisha and I will be talking about the adverse effects of sleep deprivation today with you.”

You can also use other more fun and engaging ways to begin your speech and there are tons of ways you can do it. Check out the list below to find examples of a few:

1. Rhetorical questions

Rhetorical questions are questions wherein you want to provoke the audience to think and not to come up with any specific answer. An example of the same is given below.

So from a glance, do I look like marriage material?

Nina Donovan

2. A Joke

Jokes and humor are almost always appreciated by the audience provided it isn’t even slightly derogatory or demeaning to anyone. Opening your 2-minute speech with a joke can in fact be a good attention grabber that would also not take up a lot of your speech time.

Example of a joke used as an opening line:

Do you know when brown kids get slapped? Every brown birthday party.

Hasan Minhaj

3. Statistics or figures

What is the best way to make someone understand the reality of any situation you ask? Figures, numbers, or stats!

Because when the audience sees the number in front of them, they can no longer be in denial or in their own world of assumptions. Hence, using statistics in your opening lines would definitely help you reach your goal of spreading awareness (if that is what your purpose is).

Suicide happens to be one of the leading causes of death in United states with approximately one indivdiual dying to suicide every 11 minutes. The question is why are we still overlooking this grave issue?

To know more about effective opening lines, check out our post on 50 speech opening lines.

Following your brief introduction, as you dive into your topic, there are a couple of things that you must keep in your mind, they are:
  1. Stick to only one takeaway. Having many takeaways might not help you effectively reach the audience.
  2. Try to add short stories only if you plan on adding a story to your speech. Make sure that it isn’t taking up a huge chunk of your speech time.

How do you end your 2-minute speech?

In short speeches, your ending or conclusion is very important. It needs to be impactful. You can either summarize your speech in a couple of seconds or you can re-establish your takeaway at this point in your speech. You can try to end with a powerful quote or try to motivate your audience to take some action.

An example of asking the audience to take an action is,

“So as we reach the end of the speech on effects of sleep deprivation, I’d want you to go back home and think to yourself, is browsing for  a couple of more minutes really necessary over your precious sleep?”

To take a deeper look into the closing lines for your speech, check out our video below!

5 Powerful Speech Ending Lines (And How to Use them)

2-minute speeches to memorize

2-minute speech on Brain Drain

Sundar Pichai, Satya Nadela, Leena Nair, and Paraag Agarwal what do they all have in common?

You probably guessed it right! They are the CEOs of some of the biggest companies in the world but there is yet another commonality that they have. They are all Indian Origin CEOs who gained their initial education from some of the top colleges in India to hold such exceptional positions in world-renowned companies now. 

If this isn’t a good example of brain drain, I’m not sure what is. Brain drains, a concept that is very common to Indians when we lose some of the smartest people of our country to better opportunities abroad. These companies not only offer the individuals with better work ethos and environment but also provide them with a handsome paycheck and add to that the amount of appreciation they receive for the work they chip in. Something that is either too rare or alien to the Indian work environment. 

But the scenario in India is changing. With the coming of start-up culture in India where the employees are given just as much priority as the company’s clients If the companies encourage such open and collaborative culture where there is a fair opportunity for growth provided to all the employees, we might be able to see some considerable fall in the problem of brain drain in India.

Importance of education 2-minute speech

Do you remember how in school they asked us to prove whether the two figures were triangles when you could easily have concluded that they indeed were triangles just by looking at them?

So then why do we say that education is important?

For starters, to be able to live a decent life, the basic requirement for any job is for you to possess at least a diploma or degree. Apart from the theoretical learning that we get through education, there are plenty of other skills and experiences we are exposed to like broadening our perspective by interacting with peers, enhancing public speaking skills, understanding the basics of how the world functions are it the laws and rights that the individual possesses or the understanding of geographical division and economic conditions in the society. Education helps in enhancing the capacities, attitudes, interests, urges, and needs of the individual. And hence when the student or individual is deprived of education, it isn’t just the theoretical knowledge that they miss out on but they also miss out on having a holistic development of themselves. This is what makes education very important in everyone’s life.

Final Words

2-minute speeches are short and crisp which can serve as a blessing as you are not required to go too much into detail. You can come up with a 2- minute speech topic either by researching one that fits perfectly with your interests or you can find one online.

The idea is to enjoy giving the speech. And for you to enjoy delivering your speech, it is important for you to first come up with something that excites you and interests you!

Keep following Frantically Speaking for more such short guides to help you with your public speaking and communication skills.

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