Admit it, almost everyone has had to speak on the topic of ‘Cleanliness’, whether it’s school, college, or the workplace. It is, but ironical, that a topic so common and well-known would stump many a writer when asked to put pen to paper on the subject.
Here’s how you can write a speech on the importance of cleanliness, as well as, learn and follow a few universal techniques that could help you out for all your future speeches, as well!
Structuring Your Speech: Pointers to Help You Write a Great One
The most common dilemma is where to begin from. A vast topic like Cleanliness, can be approached through different perspectives.
Whatever your approach may be, always remember that you need to answer the 5Ws + 1H through your speech:
1. Start Strong
The most memorable of speeches have a solid introduction. The opening is considered to be absolutely crucial as it determines the level of interest your audience will have.
Attention spans are at their peak in the beginning, and a speaker must take full advantage of that. Thus, you have to think out of the box.
When it comes to writing about cleanliness, a topic widely spoken about, one must try to go beyond the cliche.
Hence, if you start with a line as common as “Cleanliness is Godliness” or “Good morning, I’m here to talk about cleanliness”, you might lose out on the attention of your audience.
Instead, make it interactive. Don’t directly introduce yourself. Ask them a question and try to break the ice.
We have written an entire on 15 powerful speech openings with examples. Check it out to get some inspiration on how to start your speech!
2. What’s the Point?
When a topic is allocated/chosen, it is important to know what the objective of your speech is.
This is possible only when you know your audience well enough to estimate what they wish to take away from your speech.
Of course, your speech must be comprehensive enough to cover all aspects of such a vast topic. But, it also shouldn’t be so vague and scattered, that the audience ends up missing the point.
Once you know what the objective of the speech is, you will automatically be able to know what to emphasise on when you structure your speech.
For example, if your speech on cleanliness is required to generate awareness and participate in a Cleanliness Drive, then enough emphasis needs to be laid on how important it is for one to be clean, not only individually, but also as a community.
3. Set the Tone
A speech on cleanliness can be delivered in scenarios innumerable– whether you’re a student, teacher, manager, or CEO, cleanliness is one aspect that is ubiquitous, irrespective of what your life entails.
Thus, the tone differs accordingly. If it’s a competition in school or college, the tone is formal, while if you’re campaigning for an initiative, the tone is more affirmative, driven, and demanding.
It is important to know what the situation demands, and set the tone with respect to that. Often, people underestimate the power of tonality.
This article is all you need, to know about voice modulation and tonality.
4. Tell Them a Story
Aforementioned, the structure of the speech. We know how important it is to address the 5Ws + 1H through your speech, for a topic like cleanliness.
Apart from that, it is essential for one to keep a speech outline ready– basically, what you have to say, when.
Simply put, first comes the introduction, then comes the body, and lastly the conclusion. These are three, equally important aspects that formulate your speech.
The point of structuring your speech is to take your audience on a journey and give them some direction. The best of speakers don’t just speak, they narrate. They tell you a story, even if it isn’t theirs to tell and make you feel like you’re a part of what they’re saying.
Irrespective of the topic, the point is to have your audience wholly immerse themselves, throughout your story.
To take cleanliness as an example, a topic that’s not usually looked at as one to narrate about, try telling people stories from your own personal experiences– how you’ve come across unbearably filthy areas, and how it’s affected you and your family. Make it personal and take your audience with you on this journey.
5. The Trick of Theatrics
Public speaking is a performance in itself. It isn’t restricted to simply speaking well-written material–that’s just half of it. The other half comes to delivery.
How you deliver your written material, is what will grab the attention of your audience.
When you take cleanliness, it is something that is to be inculcated consciously and imperatively. Thus, through your tone and gestures, you would have to convey that necessity and express the urgency of the situation.
This can be expressed through tone, gestures, body language, and eye contact.
Walk around, look your audience in the eye. Emote through the inflection in your tone. Use your hands; gesture the necessity. This is how body language is used to convey what you feel.
This article will help you harness the power of body language.
6. The Endgame
Just like you started with a bang, you must also end it similarly. You seal the deal with a strong ending, leaving your audience spellbound, asking for more.
The graph of your speech should have an upward slope, and shouldn’t go down towards the end. The applause that you would command after ending on such a high note, would resonate throughout.
Your conclusion should reiterate your objective and summarise your speech. Once again, don’t stick to a cliche “Thank You” or “Hope you enjoyed this.”
If you notice, the best speeches never end on such notes. They either end with a strong quote or poem or leave by asking a question/ interacting with the audience.
When it comes to cleanliness, repeat and emphasize on the urgency–how cleanliness is the need of the hour. Leave them with a question, possibly around the grim future that must await, if adequate measures aren’t taken. Don’t end abruptly.
This article is the ultimate guide to help you end your speech, with maximum impact.
Sample Speech on the Importance of Cleanliness
Download the sample speech on the Importance of Cleanliness here.
If you notice, in the sample speech above, the introduction isn’t a common “Good Morning”, rather a direct mention of the topic. A story has been added, to grip the audience, and certain words have been put in capitals, to help you understand where to emphasise on.
These guidelines will not only help you with your speech on cleanliness, but also, for other speeches as well!