9 Best Public Speaking Tips from Jordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson speaking

Unlocking the art of compelling public speaking is a skill revered by many, and when it comes to insightful guidance, Jordan Peterson stands out as a beacon of wisdom. Renowned for his articulate and thought-provoking discussions on a myriad of subjects, Peterson not only captivates audiences but also imparts invaluable lessons on effective communication. This blog explores the best public speaking tips from Jordan Peterson. We delve into his teachings to inspire your public speaking skills.

Topics that we will cover:-

  1. How Does Jordan Peterson Speak So Well?
  2. How Many Languages Does He Speak?
  3. Jordan Peterson Speaking About Articulation:
  4. 9 Exclusive Public Speaking Tips from Jordan Peterson
  5. Examples Of Famous Speeches:
  6. Conclusion

How Does Jordan Peterson Speak So Well?

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Ever wonder how Jordan Peterson manages to speak so darn well? Well, it’s not just some magic trick – there’s some serious skill and thought behind it. Let’s break it down in simpler terms:

1. Clear Thinking:

Peterson doesn’t simply throw out words; he’s a master of clarity. His thoughts are meticulously organized, making it easy for listeners to follow along. This skill helps ensure that his messages are not lost in a sea of confusion.

2. Knowledge Buff:

  As a seasoned psychologist and professor, Peterson’s extensive knowledge base spans diverse subjects like psychology and philosophy. This depth of understanding allows him to speak with authority and confidence on a wide range of topics.

3. Storytelling Champ:

 Ever notice how he effortlessly weaves stories into his talks? It’s not just for entertainment – storytelling is a powerful tool to captivate an audience. Peterson uses this technique to add richness to his discussions, making them more relatable and engaging.

4. Real Talk:

   Peterson keeps it real. When he talks, you feel like you’re having a chat with a buddy, not sitting through a lecture. His passion for what he talks about and the personal stories he shares make it feel like he’s one of us.

5. Wordsmith Wizard:

  No fancy jargon here. Peterson excels at using clear, straightforward language that resonates with a wide audience. His choice of words makes complex ideas accessible, ensuring that his message is easily understood.

6. Animated Speaker:

 Watch him speak, and you’ll notice the gestures and changes in tone. It’s not just for show – he’s using his entire body to convey a message. This animated style prevents monotony and holds the audience’s attention.

7. Prep and Research:

   Before he steps in front of a crowd or a camera, Peterson does his homework. He dives deep into whatever he’s talking about, making sure he’s got the facts straight. Preparation is the key to looking like you know your stuff.

8. Confidence Booster:

Peterson exudes confidence. When he speaks, you can’t help but believe in what he’s saying. This confidence isn’t just a show; it’s an essential element that makes his messages more impactful.

9. Chameleon Mode:

 Peterson adapts his speaking style to different contexts and audiences. Whether he’s in a lecture hall, on a podcast, or in a debate, he tailors his approach to connect with diverse groups. This versatility contributes to his widespread appeal.

10. Open to Chat:

   Peterson doesn’t just preach; he’s open to dialogue. This willingness to engage in respectful discussions adds a layer of authenticity to his persona. It’s like having a conversation with someone who values diverse perspectives.

So, there you have it – the not-so-secret ingredients to Jordan Peterson’s awesome speaking style. It’s not just what he says; it’s how he says it. That’s the real magic.

How Many Languages Does He Speak?

Jordan Peterson is predominantly known for communicating in English. We have not come across any instances of him speaking languages other than English in public forums or interviews. However, being Canadian, there is a possibility that he has some proficiency in French, given that Canada is a bilingual country with English and French as official languages. 

Jordan Peterson Speaking About Articulation:

Articulation, according to Jordan Peterson, holds a pivotal role in modern society.

1. Articulation as a Form of Differentiation:

Articulate communication is likened to articulated joints, emphasizing its role as a distinguishing factor.

Just like joints help you move smoothly, being able to express yourself clearly sets you apart. It’s not just about certain jobs; it can boost your success in any field.

2. Educational Emphasis on Poetic Literacy:

Peterson advocates for educators to prioritize poetic literacy and articulate speech.

Peterson suggests that teachers should focus on teaching students not just how to speak, but also the beauty of language. Poetic literacy is like learning to see the beauty in how we talk and write. It’s not just about saying things; it’s about making language sound nice and interesting.

When we read poems or stories, we learn to talk in ways that show our feelings and ideas more creatively. Reading poetry helps us think more deeply about things. Teachers can use poems to make us think and talk about what the words really mean. This encourages critical thinking and interpretation.  This way, young people can be confident and successful in whatever they choose to do.

3. Example of Jocko Willink:

Jocko Willink, a special ops soldier, is presented as an exemplar of success linked to articulate communication.

He brings up Jocko Willink, a military person who did well because he could communicate effectively. Being good with words helped him in tough situations with his team and leaders.

4. Mindful Word Choice and Speech:

The analogy of crossing a swamp is introduced to underscore the importance of choosing words carefully.

Imagine choosing your words like carefully stepping through a swamp, feeling the ground. The idea is to pick words that make your speech stronger, not weaker.

5. Alignment of Speech and Identity:

Peterson emphasizes the significance of aligning words with personal identity for effective communication.

Your words should reflect who you are. By stopping the use of unnecessary words and taking time to choose your words wisely, you make your communication more trustworthy.

6. Development Strategies:

Paying attention to one’s speech is foundational to becoming articulate.

Start by paying attention to how you talk – that’s the first step to getting better. Cut out unnecessary words, think before you speak, and practice reading and writing for skill development.

7. Articulation as a Moral Endeavor:

Becoming articulate is framed as a moral endeavor, akin to becoming the master of one’s own tongue.

Speaking well isn’t just about words; it’s like being the master of your own tongue. It’s about creating order that is good and habitable.

8. Practical Strategies for Articulation:

Listeners are encouraged to be more interesting by pausing before responding and engaging in honest inquiry.

Take a moment before answering questions. Ask yourself what you really believe. By being honest and exploring ideas, you become more successful and grow as a person.

9 Exclusive Public Speaking Tips from Jordan Peterson:

Let’s dive into an elaborate exploration of each of the key points highlighted in Jordan Peterson’s advice on effective public speaking:

1. Extensive Background Research:

Peterson places a significant emphasis on the foundational role of research in public speaking. Conducting thorough research allows speakers to not only grasp the surface-level details of a topic but also delve into its nuances. This in-depth understanding forms the bedrock for delivering insightful and informed speeches. By investing time in comprehensive research, speakers can uncover unique perspectives and facts that add richness to their message.

2. Utilizing Multiple Stories:

Storytelling serves as a dynamic means of communication. Peterson encourages speakers to go beyond a monotonous recitation of facts and statistics by incorporating multiple stories. These narratives serve to illuminate different facets of the message, offering vivid and relatable examples. In weaving a tapestry of stories, speakers capture the audience’s attention, creating a more memorable and emotionally resonant experience.

3. Central Problem or Theme:

A central problem or theme acts as a guiding principle for structuring a speech. Peterson advocates for coherence and focus to prevent a presentation from becoming disjointed or scattered. A well-defined theme ensures that the audience can follow a logical progression of ideas, making the speech more impactful. It allows the audience to grasp the core message and take away a clear understanding of the speaker’s intended purpose.

4. Risk-Taking in Public Speaking:

Peterson encourages speakers to embrace risk in their public speaking endeavors. Stepping outside the comfort zone is seen as essential for delivering a truly authentic and impactful performance. The avoidance of excessive reliance on notes is tied to this notion, as it allows speakers to engage more dynamically with the audience. By taking risks, speakers can infuse their delivery with energy and passion, creating a more genuine connection with those listening.

5. Direct Engagement with the Audience:

Addressing the audience as individuals is a strategy aimed at establishing a personal connection. Peterson stresses the importance of not treating the audience as a faceless mass but rather as unique individuals with distinct perspectives. Actively listening to audience feedback provides speakers with valuable insights into the reception of their message, enabling them to make real-time adjustments for greater relevance and engagement.

6. Tying Facts to Personal Stories:

The art of connecting facts to personal stories is a powerful technique advocated by Peterson. This approach transforms abstract concepts into relatable experiences, making the information more accessible and meaningful to the audience. By linking factual content to personal narratives, speakers can bridge the gap between theory and real-world application, fostering a deeper understanding and resonance among listeners.

7. Embracing Exploration and Failure:

Peterson’s encouragement to embrace exploration and the risk of failure underscores the idea that genuine innovation and connection often arise from pushing boundaries. Taking risks in public speaking is not just about stepping into the unknown but also about embracing the possibility of failure. This mindset fosters authenticity, making the speaker more relatable and the overall performance more engaging.

8. Speaking Without Notes:

Peterson’s choice to speak without notes reflects a confidence in thorough preparation. While this approach may not be suitable for every speaker, the underlying principle is the importance of being well-versed in the material. A deep understanding of the subject matter enables a speaker to maintain a genuine and fluid connection with the audience. It conveys a level of mastery that enhances the speaker’s credibility and impact.

9. Addressing a Real and Significant Problem:

Peterson emphasizes the significance of addressing a real and significant problem in public speaking. A speech centered around a meaningful issue is more likely to captivate the audience’s interest. The authenticity of the speaker’s commitment to addressing a matter of substance adds passion and depth to the presentation, elevating it beyond mere information delivery.

In essence, Jordan Peterson’s guidance goes beyond the mechanics of public speaking. It encompasses a holistic approach that involves thorough preparation, authenticity, and a deep connection with the audience’s emotions and perspectives. Each tip contributes to the creation of a meaningful and engaging experience for those listening, making the speaker’s message not just heard but truly impactful.

Examples Of Famous Speeches:

Jordan Peterson’s recent speech is notable for its clarity and impactful message. He emphasizes the interconnectedness of faith and responsibility, viewing them as mutually reinforcing. Peterson motivates listeners to find meaning through this integration and stresses the significance of family and community for human flourishing.

The speech issues a compelling call to action, urging individuals to act responsibly in their lives to create a positive ripple effect. It empowers personal responsibility, fostering a sense of agency and commitment to a better future. Peterson strikes a balance between depth and accessibility, making profound ideas readily understandable. Overall, the speech stands out for its concise yet powerful delivery, offering actionable insights and instilling a renewed sense of purpose in the audience.


In wrapping up, learning public speaking from Jordan Peterson is like having a friendly guide to help you become a better communicator. His talks are filled with practical tips and stories that make learning fun. 

Remember, as he often says, “Speak clearly, be honest, and take responsibility for what you say.”

So, why not keep listening to him? It’s like having a mentor by your side, guiding you on this exciting journey of improving your public speaking skills. Jordan Peterson’s words are not just about speaking; they’re about connecting with others and making a positive impact. Keep listening, keep learning, and watch yourself grow into a confident and effective speaker!

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