70+ Popular Extempore Speech Topics for College Students

Person speaking confidently into a microphone during an extempore session.

Extempore speaking is an essential skill that every college student should strive to master. Being able to confidently speak spontaneously in front of an audience can open up numerous opportunities for personal and professional growth. However, coming up with engaging and impactful speech topics on the spot can be a daunting task. To help you navigate the world of extempore speaking, this article provides a list of seven popular speech topics for college students. From current events to societal issues, these topics are sure to captivate your audience and showcase your speaking abilities. Extensive public speaking is a pivotal skill that college students should cultivate. Engaging in extemporaneous speaking not only sharpens communication abilities but also prepares students for impromptu situations. So, read on to discover how you can excel in the art of extempore speaking!

The Benefits of Extempore Speaking in College

Mastering the art of extempore speaking offers numerous advantages for college students.

  1. Critical Thinking: Firstly, it enhances your critical thinking skills, as you have to quickly organize your thoughts and articulate them on the spot. This skill will prove invaluable in your academic pursuits and future professional endeavors.
  2. Confidence: Extempore speaking also helps boost your confidence. By regularly practicing spontaneous speaking, you become more comfortable in front of an audience and develop the ability to think on your feet. This newfound confidence extends beyond public speaking and can positively impact your overall self-assurance.
  3. Communication Skills: Moreover, extempore speaking allows you to improve your communication skills. It teaches you how to convey complex ideas concisely and engage with your audience effectively. These communication skills will prove beneficial in various settings, including job interviews, networking events, and team collaborations.

In conclusion, incorporating extempore speaking into your college experience can have a profound impact on your personal and professional growth. So, don’t shy away from embracing this skill and reaping the numerous benefits it offers. Stay tuned for more valuable insights on mastering the art of extempore speaking in the upcoming sections!

Developing Confidence Through Extempore Speaking

Developing confidence through extempore speaking is one of the key benefits that college students can experience. The ability to speak spontaneously in front of an audience not only helps to overcome the fear of public speaking but also boosts self-confidence in various aspects of life.

When you engage in extempore speaking regularly, you become more comfortable with being put on the spot and delivering your thoughts without prior preparation. This newfound confidence in your speaking abilities extends beyond the stage and can be applied to everyday situations. Whether it’s presenting in a class, voicing your opinions in a group discussion, or communicating with colleagues in a professional setting, the confidence gained from extempore speaking will help you shine.

Additionally, being able to think on your feet and articulate your ideas in a spontaneous manner provides you with the assurance that you can handle unexpected situations effectively. The ability to remain calm and composed under pressure is a valuable skill that can greatly enhance your personal and professional life.

In the next section, we will explore some popular speech topics that college students can use to practice their extempore speaking skills and further develop their confidence.

Choosing the Right Extempore Topics

Choosing an extempore topic that resonates with you and your audience is key.
Some things to consider:

  • Your interests and hobbies: Speaking about familiar subjects will make you sound more confident and engaged. If you enjoy travel or gaming, for example, consider related topics like “The Benefits of Virtual Reality” or “How to Pack Light for Any Trip.”
  • Controversial vs. non-controversial: While debating controversial topics can be engaging, also have some non-controversial topics ready in case the audience or event calls for something lighter. Specific vs. broad Have a mix of focused topics as well as some broad ones that I give you more flexibility in the direction you can take the speech. For example, “The Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence” is broad while “How Self-Driving Cars Will Change Our Lives” is more specific.
  • Humor and creativity: Don’t be afraid to choose a quirky or lighthearted topic to make your speech memorable, as long as it’s still appropriate for the situation. For example, “Lessons We Can Learn From Our Pets” or “The Lost Art of Handwriting”
  • Your knowledge and experience: Choose subjects you are well-informed about from your studies, work experience, or areas of expertise Your passion and depth of knowledge will shine through. If you’re a nursing student, for instance, consider “The Importance of Vaccines” or “Common Health Myths Debunked.” With some preparation and practice, any of these kinds of topics can make for an engaging extempore speech. The most important thing is to choose a subject.
    feel personally connected to! That way, your enthusiasm will inspire your audience.

70 Extempore Speech Topics

Personal Development

  1. Overcoming self-doubt in the pursuit of success
  2. The power of positive affirmations in daily life
  3. Embracing failure as a stepping stone to growth
  4. Cultivating resilience in the face of adversity

Society and Politics

  1. The impact of social media on modern activism
  2. Exploring the challenges of global migration
  3. The role of youth in shaping the future of politics
  4. Addressing income inequality in contemporary society

Technology and Innovation

  1. The ethical implications of artificial intelligence
  2. Harnessing renewable energy for a sustainable future
  3. The potential of cryptocurrency in reshaping the economy
  4. The dark side of technological dependence in the digital age

Environment and Conservation

  1. The urgency of combating climate change on a global scale
  2. The importance of preserving biodiversity in the modern world
  3. Reducing plastic pollution for a cleaner planet
  4. Sustainable living: small changes for a greener future

Education and Learning

  1. Rethinking traditional education for the 21st century
  2. The value of Interdisciplinary Studies in higher education
  3. Nurturing creativity and innovation in academic environments
  4. The role of technology in transforming the learning experience

Health and Well-being

  1. The impact of mental health awareness campaigns
  2. The need for holistic approaches to healthcare
  3. Tackling the stigma surrounding chronic illnesses
  4. Promoting healthy lifestyles in a fast-paced society

Arts and Culture

  1. The influence of social media on contemporary art
  2. Celebrating diversity in cultural expressions
  3. Reimagining the role of museums in the digital age
  4. Exploring the connection between art and emotional well-being

Global Perspectives

  1. The power of cross-cultural communication in a globalized world
  2. The importance of international cooperation in addressing crises
  3. Navigating cultural differences in a connected world
  4. The impact of globalization on local economies

Ethics and Morality

  1. The role of empathy in ethical decision-making
  2. Balancing individual freedoms with societal responsibilities
  3. The ethical implications of genetic engineering
  4. Exploring ethical considerations in animal testing

Relationships and Communication

  1. Cultivating empathy in personal relationships
  2. The art of active listening in effective communication
  3. Navigating conflict resolution in diverse social settings
  4. The impact of social media on interpersonal relationships

Work and Career

  1. The future of remote work in a post-pandemic world
  2. Embracing innovation in entrepreneurial endeavors
  3. Navigating workplace diversity and inclusion
  4. The importance of continuous learning in professional growth

Science and Exploration

  1. The potential of space exploration in understanding the universe
  2. The ethical implications of genetic modification in humans
  3. The impact of quantum computing on modern technology
  4. Nurturing scientific curiosity in younger generations

Media and Entertainment

  1. The influence of celebrity culture on societal norms
  2. Exploring the impact of virtual reality on entertainment
  3. The portrayal of gender roles in contemporary media
  4. Navigating the balance between freedom of expression and media responsibility

Current Affairs and Hot Topics

  1. The future of global healthcare post-pandemic
  2. Addressing misinformation in the era of fake news
  3. Exploring the impact of social justice movements on policy-making
  4. The role of technology in shaping the future of democracy

Lifestyle and Leisure

  1. The pursuit of work-life balance in contemporary society
  2. The power of hobbies in nurturing mental well-being
  3. Exploring the cultural significance of traditional cuisines
  4. The impact of social media influencers on lifestyle trends

Innovation and Creativity

  1. The intersection of art and technology in creative expression
  2. Embracing failure as a catalyst for innovation
  3. Nurturing a culture of creativity in organizational settings
  4. The potential of interdisciplinary collaboration in driving innovation

Societal Challenges

  1. Addressing the rise of mental health issues in youth
  2. Combating cyberbullying in the digital age
  3. The impact of homelessness on urban communities
  4. Navigating the challenges of aging populations

Global Citizenship

  1. The role of education in shaping global citizenship
  2. The power of grassroots movements in driving social change

Preparing for an Extempore Speech

Preparing for an extempore speech requires careful planning and practice. While extempore speaking is all about improvisation, that doesn’t mean you should go into it completely unprepared. Here are some tips to help you prepare for an extempore speech:

1. Stay updated

Stay informed about current events and trending topics. Read newspapers, follow news websites, and keep yourself updated on the latest happenings. This will help you have a well-rounded understanding of various subjects and give you a broad range of ideas to speak on. It is important to gather relevant information on the topic beforehand so that you have a solid foundation to build upon.

2. Practice impromptu speaking

Practice speaking on different topics without any prior preparation. Set a timer and give yourself a few minutes to gather your thoughts before speaking. This will help you get comfortable with thinking on your feet and formulating coherent thoughts quickly. These activities will help you become more comfortable with speaking spontaneously and enhance your ability to respond to unexpected questions or challenges.

3. Develop a structure

Additionally, it is crucial to organize your thoughts and structure your speech in a logical manner. This will help you deliver your points effectively and ensure that your speech flows smoothly. While extempore speeches are spontaneous, having a basic structure can help you stay organized. Start with an attention-grabbing introduction, present your main points, and end with a strong conclusion. This will help your speech flow smoothly and make it easier for your audience to follow along.

4. Rehearsing your delivery

Another important aspect of preparing for an extempore speech is rehearsing your delivery. Practice speaking in front of a mirror or recording yourself to identify areas where you can improve your tone, pace, and body language. It is also beneficial to seek feedback from others, as they can provide valuable insights and suggestions for improvement. By dedicating time to preparation and practice, you can boost your confidence and deliver a compelling extempore speech.


These extempore speech topics offer college students a plethora of themes to delve into, enabling them to enhance their oratory skills while engaging with diverse and intellectually stimulating subjects. By exploring these topics, students can cultivate their abilities to think critically, articulate their thoughts effectively, and contribute meaningfully to discussions on a wide range of issues. So there you have it, 70 extempore speech topics to get you started. With this variety of subjects, you’re sure to find one that sparks your interest and creativity.

Remember, the key to a good extempore speech is choosing a topic you’re passionate about. Speak from the heart, be authentic, make eye contact, use hand gestures, and have fun with it An extempore speech is meant to be an engaging conversation with your audience. If you get nervous, focus on connecting with a few friendly faces in the crowd. Take a deep breath and be fully present in the moment. You’ve got this! Go ahead and choose a topic, do a little research to get inspired, and start crafting your speech. We look forward to hearing what you have to say!

Remember, the more you practice, the more confident you will become in delivering extempore speeches. So, set aside some time each day to practice impromptu speaking and watch your skills improve over time. Happy speaking!

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