3 Ways to write an Emotional Speech-Make the audience emotional

Emotional speech

People have developed a variety of ways to communicate, including voice, gestures, body language, and facial expressions. Depending on the context, the mode of communication can take many different physiological forms, such as changes in blood pressure, heart rate, temperature, and muscular activity. Every communication has an underlying emotional state and this article will talk about the ways to write an emotional speech and how to make the audience emotional.

Therefore, this article aims to address the following – 

  1. What is an emotional speech?
  2. Why an emotional speech?
  3. 3 ways to deliver an emotional speech.
  4. How can you not cry when you are giving an emotional talk?
  5. Popular emotional speeches.
  6. Conclusion


Emotions are the foundation of human relationships. Emotional Speech, also known as Emotional Prosody or Affective Prosody, refers to the different nonverbal components of language that enable individuals to express or comprehend emotion. It comprises the way a person speaks—their pitch, volume, timbre, speech pace, and pauses—and how they express that tone of voice. It involves how we express our emotions through the contents of our speech. 

An emotional speech is like a heart-to-heart conversation with a crowd, a moment where words become more than just sounds—they become a bridge to shared feelings. Picture a speaker pouring not just facts and ideas but a piece of their soul into each word, aiming to stir something deep within the audience. It’s the kind of speech that makes you laugh and cry, that tugs at your heartstrings, or fires you up with motivation. Think of those times when a speaker shares a personal story, uses words that resonate, and delivers in a way that’s more about connecting than convincing. Whether it’s a call to action, a celebration, or a rally for change, an emotional speech isn’t just about what’s said; it’s about how it makes you feel, forging a bond between speaker and listener that goes beyond mere words.


Humans are social creatures who are interrelated through emotions. An emotional speech can establish a powerful connection between the speaker and the audience. It can act as a catalyst leaving a mark on the audience’s memory and making the message remembered, not just heard. An emotional speech possesses the transformative power to inspire and motivate. It is a beacon of encouragement, weaving tales of personal trials and triumphs that resonate with the audience on an innate level. Delivering an emotional speech can lead the audience to reconsider their thoughts and beliefs leading to better introspection. Emotions are important to communicate with people, understand human nature, empathize with people, inspire and motivate them, and contribute to the welfare and well-being of those around us.

In its profound simplicity, an emotional speech is a testament to the authentic expression of the human experience. It is a vehicle for genuine connection, a catalyst for change, and a reminder that, in the realm of communication, it is the human touch that elevates words to something truly impactful and enduring.


1. Sharing personal experiences:

a. Suitable to the purpose:

Pick a personal narrative that matches the major idea of your speech. Make sure it fits in with the theme and objective of the speech. Describe specific experiences, challenges, or triumphs that evoke the emotions you want your audience to feel. This authenticity can create a powerful connection.

b. Emotional bonding:

Express your feelings honestly. Be honest and transparent about how you felt during the events of your story. Try to emphasize the parts of your story that everyone can relate to. 

c. Detailed explanation of events:

To make the speech more captivating, provide vivid details. Describe the scene, the participants, and the order in which everything happened. To induce feelings, explain your senses in full, including everything you heard, felt, smelled, or tasted.

Check this video to get a better understanding of the impact of sharing personal experiences: 

2. Make use of strong words and images:

a. Proper selection of words:

Choose your words wisely to evoke the feelings you want your viewers to experience. To make your point more impactful, choose language that is passionate and forceful. Try to avoid too complicated words since they might drift the listeners away from the speech’s emotional essence.

b. Metaphors and similes:

A Metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action that is not literally applicable. For Example: “Dude, I’m drowning in work.” A Simile is a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid (e.g. as brave as a lion ).

Use metaphors and similes to create vivid images in your mind. Your message will become more relevant and catchy with these techniques. Try to use metaphors to connect with the feelings that are to be felt by both the speaker and the audience. 

c. Flow and rhythm:

Pay special attention to the tempo of your words. Try to change up the length and structure of your sentences to make a compelling narrative that draws the reader in and employ repetitions to draw attention to important details and elicit feelings.

Check this out to get a better idea of the use of strong words while delivering a speech: 

3. Variable pace and tone:

a. Tonal variations:

Get comfortable with a range of tones from somber and reflective to intense and loud. Align your tone with the speech’s emotional content. Try different modulations to show sincerity, passion, or empathy as necessary. Check this out for a better understanding of voice modulations and tonal variations.

b. Pacing for emphasis:

Modify the speed of your speech to highlight important points. When making an emotional discovery, slow down to give the listener time to process the information and its importance. On the other hand, increase your speed to create a sense of anticipation and energy when required. 

c. Strategic pauses:

Allow the audience to consider key topics by including appropriate pauses. Pauses can amplify the emotional effect of your speech. When used occasionally, silence can be a very effective tool for creating suspense or letting a moving scene unfold. Check this out to understand pausing while speaking-


Emotional regulation can be difficult even in the best of circumstances. It’s normal to feel emotionally and socially unprepared and a little “raw” when we return to the real world and experience the harsh reality. Even in everyday situations, such as giving an emotional speech or catching up with colleagues at a meeting, emotions can get the best of us and divert our attention. Hence, at certain times there can be a requirement of controlling emotions and keeping them at bay. Check this out to learn how to control emotions while speaking.

A few methods to cope during such a situation are: 

1. Take a break:

First, remember that it’s okay to be emotional. If the emotions become overwhelming during practice or the actual speech, don’t hesitate to take short breaks. Step aside, take a deep breath, and regroup before continuing.

2. Practice hard:

Familiarity with your speech can increase your confidence and help you manage your emotions better. Practice the speech multiple times, especially in front of a mirror or a trusted friend who can provide constructive feedback.

3. Identify your trigger points:

It’s important to Anticipate the emotional points in your speech and mentally prepare for them. Acknowledge your emotions during rehearsals and develop strategies to stay composed during those specific sections.

4. Monitor your body:

Recognize your bodily sensations that warn you about losing your control. Everyone has their own “story,” such as a cracked voice, shaky knees, or that weird goofiness in the stomach. It’s important to be aware of these sensations to address them at the right moment and the right time.

5. Take deep breaths and hold them:

To help you control your emotions, pay attention to your breathing. Breathe deeply and slowly to help your nervous system relax. This may also stop emotional symptoms from showing physically, like trembling in the voice.

6. The power of humor:

Integrate light humor strategically. A well-timed, appropriate joke can help diffuse tension and give you a moment to collect yourself without breaking the emotional flow of your speech. Your audience would appreciate the comfort that comes from laughter. This can very well indicate how to use humor in a speech.

7. Availability of water:

Have you ever seen those pots of water standing next to the speakers? It’s there because it serves a purpose. Not all professional speakers are just thirsty individuals. Speakers generally get wet for two reasons. First of all, speakers tend to have dry mouths. It’s just basic biology. The second is that drinking water helps relieve throat tension, helps you gather your thoughts, and temporarily diverts your attention from distracting thoughts. 


1. Speech by Martin Luther King Jr. in 1963 entitled “I Have a Dream”

One of the best speeches in human history is the “I Have a Dream” speech by the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., which was given on August 28, 1963. It was completely daring and combined exquisite, rich language with the oratory technique of repetition.

Here’s the link for the video:

2. Speech by Demosthenes, “Third Philippic,” 341 BCE

Even if you may not be familiar with the Athenian orator Demosthenes, keep in Cicero—one of the most well-known orators in history—cited his ancient ancestor. Men were physically pushed to war by ‘Demosthenes’ Third Philippic, so named because it was the third speech he delivered in which he urged his fellow Athenians to take up weapons against the invading armies of Phillip of Macedon. Following his speech, which took place in 341 BCE, the Athenian Assembly promptly took action against their adversary, inspired by passages that denounced the previous incompetence of his fellow citizens:

Here’s the link for the video:

3. Speech by Queen Elizabeth I to the troops at Tilbury in 1588, titled “Spanish Armada”

Queen Elizabeth I of England delivered one of the manliest speeches in history in 1588, even going so far as to criticize her own body for being a woman. While the Spanish Armada, a fleet comprising around 130 ships, was en route to invade Britain, the queen gave an exuberant speech in Tilbury, Essex, England. As it happened, the Spanish vessels were mostly destroyed by a storm and a few navigational mistakes. Nevertheless, it was an audacious statement that supported a country. Queen Elizabeth gained notoriety for her armored appearance in front of her troops after making her speech.

Here’s the link for the video:

4. Halle Berry’s Best Actress Oscar Speech

The brief moment where Halle Berry gathers herself represents this historic occasion—the first time a black woman has received the coveted Best Actress Oscar. She says the now-famous line, “This moment is so much bigger than me,” and does it so brilliantly.

Here’s the link for the video: 

5. Harvey Milk’s “Give Them Hope”

When there is no hope, the “us” give up. I am aware that hope is not enough to sustain you. However, life is not worth living without it. In a little more than two minutes, Harvey Milk’s aim of being the first openly homosexual person elected to public office is masterfully expressed in this speech. Even after more than thirty years, it continues to have a profound effect on us.

Here’s the link for the video:


In the intricate dance of human communication, emotional speeches emerge as powerful orchestrations that resonate in the hearts of both speakers and audiences. Delving beyond the realms of verbal expression, emotional speech, or emotional prosody, encapsulates the very essence of shared human experience. 

The question of why invest in crafting an emotional speech finds its answer in the profound impact it carries. These speeches, laden with authenticity, establish potent connections, imprint memories, and inspire transformative change. They act as beacons of encouragement, weaving personal narratives into tales of resilience that reverberate on a visceral level.

Exploring the art of delivering emotional speeches uncovers techniques rooted in authenticity and connection, from sharing personal experiences to employing powerful language and varied tones. These methods are not mere strategies but channels for genuine human expression, allowing speakers to navigate the delicate balance between vulnerability and composure.

In the realm of famous emotional speeches, from Martin Luther King Jr.’s timeless dream to Queen Elizabeth I’s rallying call, the common thread is the ability to evoke emotions, inspire action, and leave an enduring legacy. These speeches stand as testaments to the timeless power of heartfelt communication, reminding us that, in the world of spoken words, it is the human touch that transforms them into something impactful and everlasting.

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