Learn the tools of persuasion and increase your ability to influence

Know EXACTLY how you can draft a compelling persuasive speech using mental biases and proven communication techniques to get what you want.

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What will you learn from this book?

What’s in this book?

This 34 page guide will answer all your questions how you can speak effectively in front of anyone. In this guide you’ll learn:

Who should read this book?

Sadly, people falsely believe that persuasion skills only need to be learnt by those who are required to speak to crowds of people on a regular basis. But that just isn’t the case! You need to persuade no matter which career you are in or whether you are speaking to 1 person or 100.

This book is for you if you are a:

Student: Persuasion increases your ability to socialise and ace your presentation skills (something you will be doing a lot of in college). These skills come in handy when you are interviewing for your first job or an internship. 

Working Professional: Whether you are in a sales job, client servicing or in the backend – learning to persuade makes your professional life SO much easier. Deal with difficult clients/bosses better, close more sales, negotiate better salaries. 

Entrepreneur: If you have your own company or are thinking of owning one, we do not need to sell you on why persuasion skills are important. Whether you’re hiring your first time, trying to close a big sale or inspiring your team – persuasion skills are required in every step of the way.

About the author

Hrideep Barrot

Hey, my name is Hrideep. I started Frantically Speaking as just a blog to simply share my learnings on communication, persuasion and public speaking. Today, these blogs are one of the most read resources in the world when it comes to topics around communication. But in my all my learnings, I have been most intrigued by The Art of Persuasion. Having studied Heuristics and Behaviroual Economics, I got to apply these skills in my day-to-day life to influence people and buy them into my way of thinking (ethically, of course!). And this book, compiles my learnings!

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